Greek headliners Rotting Christ deliever a punishing display of Black metal at the ‘Devastation on the Nation’ tour stop in Vancouver BC – Rickshaw Theatre April-23-2022
Greek headliners Rotting Christ deliever a punishing display of Black metal at the ‘Devastation on the Nation’ tour stop in Vancouver BC – Rickshaw Theatre April-23-2022
Time moves fast and finally after about 25 years at least, one of Norway’s finest Metal bands finally makes it to Vancouver. The legendary Borknagar is ready to get thunderous at the Rickshaw Theatre as part of Read More…
Photos of Stormruler from the Devastation on the Nation Tour April-23-2022 Rickshaw Theatre Vancouver BC
Wage War is metalcore band formed in Ocala, Florida in Vancouver on April 17 2022 in support of Slipknot’s ‘Knotfest’ show. https://www.facebook.com/wagewar
As I wait for this band to hit the stage — I think about the music that is being played while the roadies put things together. Listening to Iron Maiden, Motley Crue, Judas Priest and Read More…
Lets start this off with a multiple choice question! What is a Code Orange? (A) bomb threat (B) A radioactive spill (C) A potentially violent person with mental issues in the hospital; show of force needed (D) External disaster with mass casualties (E) Two time Grammy nominated Industrial Hardcore Metal band from Pittsburgh and all of the above If you Read More…
Supporting Code Orange at the Rickshaw Theatre April 9 2022. Connections here with Slipknot as Corey’s son (Griffin Taylor) is the singer in this band as well as the drummer is Simon Crahan (son of Read More…
Taken at the Rickshaw Theatre in Vancouver BC. Portland natives Dying wish supporting the Code Orange tour 04-09-2022 https://www.facebook.com/DyingWish503
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